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Lilith Darville

sex in middle age

I sent out a newsletter mentioning that my darling Hubster is undergoing cancer treatment. One reader wrote asking me how we keep things “hot” while he undergoes chemo and radiation...
What a great article on a few of the sex secrets that some men have; and, in my experience, five is just the tip of the iceberg. As our relationship...
I realize I’m blessed in having an exceptional lover in Neil, who gets maximum pleasure from experiencing my arousal and enjoyment. For those who aren’t so lucky, here’s some good...
I realize I’m blessed in having an exceptional lover in Neil, who gets maximum pleasure from experiencing my arousal and enjoyment. For those who aren’t so lucky, here’s some good...
It amazes me that there are so many Twitter sites giving explicit instructions on sexual technique. I’m all for guidance, but let’s spend more time experimenting and exploring. And most...
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